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How to Be Mindful with a Snack

By Lynn Rossy — 2017

An 8-step mindfulness practice to build awareness around hunger, fullness, and healthier eating choices.

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For Ku Stevens, Running Is a ‘Profound Act’

his fall, Ku Stevens became the fastest cross-country runner in Nevada. But he would be running even if he wasn’t winning.

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Why Being Fit Helps You Manage Chronic Diseases

You probably know that exercise is one of the top things you can do to prevent chronic problems, but it can also mitigate existing obesity, heart disease, and diabetes — and the symptoms that come along with them.

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10 Essentials This Functional Medicine Doctor Uses to Support Immune Strength

Things feel scary and uncertain right now, I know—but I fully believe the more levelheaded and openhearted we are, the better we will be able to survive and thrive. We have to protect ourselves, our families, and communities. Above all, we have to stay healthy.

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Balanced Fitness, Tougher Brain

A short meditation can make you stronger in the place you need it most.

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Yoga, Mindfulness, and Seeing Clearly

If we practice skillful states of body, mind, and heart, we will feel them at every level of our being.

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Healthy Eating