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Tracing the Spark of Creative Problem-Solving

By Benedict Carey — 2010

“It’s imagination, it’s inference, it’s guessing; and much of it is happening subconsciously,” said Marcel Danesi, a professor of anthropology.

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Unconscious or Subconscious?

The term “unconscious” or “unconscious mind” is most closely associated with Freud and psychoanalysis, but the general notion predates Freud by hundreds if not thousands of years.

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Subconscious vs. Unconscious: How to Tell the Difference

Human beings are innately programmed for survival, but they often get it wrong.

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The Art of Creativity

When the creative spirit stirs, it animates a style of being: a lifetime filled with the desire to innovate, to explore new ways of doing things, to bring dreams of reality.

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Problem Solving