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Tracing the Spark of Creative Problem-Solving

By Benedict Carey — 2010

“It’s imagination, it’s inference, it’s guessing; and much of it is happening subconsciously,” said Marcel Danesi, a professor of anthropology.

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A Place to Play, on Wheels or Feet

At other parks, she said: “I feel alone because nobody wants to play with me. They think I’m weird. When I come here, everybody wants to play with me.

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Play Doesn’t End With Childhood: Why Adults Need Recess Too

Adults play for many important reasons: building community, keeping the mind sharp and keeping close the ones you love.

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Belonging at Work Is Essential—Here Are 4 Ways to Foster It

When we feel like we belong, we experience meaning, life satisfaction, physical health and psychological stability. When we feel excluded, physical pain and a wide range of psychological ailments result.

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Problem Solving