By Poppy Jamie — 2021
Happiness is such a confusing thing—the more we try to find it, the more complicated it can become. I used to think that happiness would be waiting for me as soon as I achieved “perfect,” and, unsurprisingly, I didn’t reach either.
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Normal bereavement and major depression share many of the same symptoms. And because of those similarities, psychiatrists have historically carved out what is known as a "bereavement exclusion." Its purpose was to reduce the likelihood that normal grief would be diagnosed as clinical depression.
I believe that social workers need to focus on that which we are trained to do: extend civic love and compassion to the client, staring where he or she is. We are not wed to the medical model; social work is ecological, psychosocial, and systems oriented.
Each year, on the winter solstice, we share this reflection on the season by Parker Palmer. In 1995 Parker wrote a welcome for the Fetzer Institute’s newly built retreat center, Seasons, which included a reflection on each of the four seasons.