By Stephanie Van Hook — 2019
Yoga teacher and activist Michelle C. Johnson talks to Nonviolence Radio about her book “Skill In Action.”
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For Americans of all races, the Mandela visit was a celebration of triumph of right over wrong and an opportunity to see a giant of history.
We speak here of the challenge of the dichotomies of war and peace, violence and non-violence, racism and human dignity, oppression and repression and liberty and human rights, poverty and freedom from want.
Major speeches and letters from the life and career of South Africa’s first black president, organized by date, topic and readers’ favorites.
What began as a statement by an accused prisonor became, over the 29 minutes it took Mandela to deliver it, his best known and most important speech. It was a recounting of his story up to that point, an expression of his views and a morally forceful argument on behalf of his cause.
Excerpts from 'An ideal I am prepared to die for' and other memorable speeches by Mandela.
Minister, theologian and mystic Howard Thurman had a profound influence on Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
The last few weeks have made it impossible to hide from the truth that Black and white people have fundamentally different experiences with law enforcement in this country.
To change the world, says Jan Willis, we need hope. And hope grows from nonviolent actions, no matter how small.
The greatest gift we can give our world is our presence, awake and attentive. What can help us do that? Here, drawn from ancient religions and wisdom traditions, are a handful of practices Joanna Macy has learned to count on.
The Great Turning identifies the shift from a self-destroying political economy to one in harmony with Earth and enduring for the future. It unites and includes all the actions being taken to honor and preserve life on Earth. It is the essential adventure of our time.