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Blasting Off with Dr. DMT

By Gabriel D. Roberts — 2014

Between 1990 and 1995 Dr. Strassman helped 60 patients enter the void and then documented their experiences at the University of New Mexico’s School of Medicine.

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Beyond Death: The Science of the Afterlife

This question is more than a mind-bender. For thousands of years, certain people have claimed to have actually visited the place that, Saint Paul promised, “no eye has seen … and no human mind has conceived,” and their stories very often follow the same narrative arc.

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'Proof of Heaven' Author: Science Is Being Forced to Take the Afterlife Seriously

Ever since Proof of Heaven, the narrative of a life-changing seven-day coma I underwent in 2008, was published two years ago, I have had a front-row seat (and often a seat on the stage itself) at the battle between those who believe in heaven, in a spiritual realm beyond this one, and those who,...

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Science and Spirituality