By Dina Cheney
The cancer survivor and New York Times best-selling author defines it on crazy, sexy terms.
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Bestselling author Dan Buettner reveals how to transform your health using smart nutrition, lifestyle, and fitness habits gleaned from longevity research on the diets, eating habits, and lifestyle practices of the communities he's identified as "Blue Zones"—those places with the world's...
The evidence is now clear: at least 50 percent of cancer deaths can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle changes. But many—patients and doctors included—still don't realize the simple changes we can make to increase chances of survival, or aid in the healing process for those with a diagnosis.
Treatment Today: Nutritional Detoxification in Practice or Lifestyle Medicine
Wellness Warrior and cancer Thriver, Kris Carr, brings her Crazy Sexy talk to Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, VT in June of 2011.
Dr. David Perlmutter is a Board-Certified Neurologist and the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Grain Brain. In this episode of Health Theory, he and host Tom Bilyeu discuss the important health metrics to pay attention to, how lifestyle affects health, and the importance of connection.
Here he discusses research findings concerning diet and nutrition. He points out that there is very little evidence that popular fad diets work in the long-run.
The position of the Medical Executive Committee of SUNY Downstate Medical Center, as recommended by the Committee and Plant-based Health and Nutrition, is as follows: Plant-based nutrition – emphasizing consumption of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruits – can prevent,...
How to stay healthy and boost immunity with Dr. Joel Fuhrman's no-nonsense, results-driven nutrition plan. As a family physician for over 30 years, Fuhrman will tell you that doctors and medications cannot grant you excellent health or protection from disease and suffering.
In Mind over Meds, bestselling author Dr. Andrew Weil alerts readers to the problem of overmedication, and outlines when medicine is necessary, and when it is not. Dr.