By Mireille Silcoff — 2011
It’s safe to say that Kris Carr’s journey could not have existed at any other moment in history. Even 10 years ago, her cancer might well have been the end of her story, not the beginning.
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In the end, I fall back on one statement that I repeat to myself pretty often. “We are not given the burdens we deserve, we are given the burdens we can bear.”
Individuals with disabilities are at a greater risk of experiencing fatigue than the general population, and this risk increases with age.
My best resource turns out to be websites that offer ten, twenty-five, or 101 relationship tips. The sites are silly, and the ads gum up my computer, but I learn about concepts like compassion, forgiveness, and presence.
I’ve been disabled and intensely ill with the degenerative neuro-immuno illness myalgic encephalomyelitis (formerly known by the misnomer “chronic fatigue syndrome”) for 30 years.