By Lisa Stein — 2008
A photographer and actress is diagnosed with tumors in her liver and lungs, but keeps her spirits up and taps resources to make the disease manageable.
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Physical therapist Annelise Savodnik describes symptoms of cancer fatigue syndrome and offers strategies to cope with the condition.
Ruth had chemotherapy, surgery and proton therapy for Ewing’s sarcoma. She shares practical tips for coping with fatigue after cancer treatment. Ruth talks about: changing your exercise routine, getting reasonable adjustments at work, and being upfront about your limitations.
It's important to stay active during treatment, even when you don't feel like it. See 9 tactics you can try today to keep your energy high.
Ellis was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia at 16 years old. Fatigue made it difficult to do full days at school. He also had to give up basketball, his favourite sport. Ellis’ treatment affected his immune system.
The term “body image” refers to our thoughts, feelings and overall attitude around how we look, how we feel and the way our body works. Breast cancer and its treatment can have a negative impact on your body image.
If you received a life-altering cancer diagnosis, would your first action be to hit the gym? Karen shares why exercise should become a key part of cancer treatment plans despite the barriers that make it a challenge. Dr.
Featuring science-based, nutrient-rich recipes that are easy to prepare and designed to give patients a much-needed boost by stimulating appetite and addressing treatment side effects including fatigue, nausea, dehydration, mouth and throat soreness, tastebud changes, and weight loss.
From episode 3 of "Your Fantastic Mind" - Swedish massage therapy has been clinically shown to reduce depression and anxiety and now cancer fatigue in patients. We are profiling a prostate cancer patient who is part of a study showing its effect on patients.