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Signs You're Disconnected from Your Body + What to Do About It

By Marissa Håkansson — 2020

I know what it's like to feel disconnected — not only from yourself, but from others and the world. It's a painful place to be. I've lived with that nagging sense of things being not quite right. I've felt the restlessness of wanting more from life, without knowing exactly what I was looking for.

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In the mid-sixties there seemed to be an expectation that if we got high, we’d be free. We were not quite realistic about the profundity of man’s attachments and deep clingings. We thought that if only we knew how to get high the right way, we wouldn’t come down.

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The Unified Theory of Ram Dass

Despite his age and the effects of a 1997 stroke, Ram Dass still dedicates the bulk of each day to teaching and serving his followers.

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