By Develop Good Habits Staff — 2021
Knowing your personal core values is one way of connecting with your authentic self.
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Your life depends on your brain. To be the ethical, engaged, creative, successful, and lively human being you intend to be, you need your brain. You need your brain and you also need to use your brain. It is not enough to possess a perfectly good brain—you must also use it.
Speaking truly, to yourself and to others, does mean being authentic.
If you ever find yourself thinking “I don’t know who I am,” you might wonder why you might feel this way and what you can do to change that.
An identity crisis is a developmental event that involves a person questioning their sense of self or place in the world.
Whether you’re questioning your identity or just haven’t taken the time to develop your own identity to begin with, getting to know you is an important part of living a full and happy life. Here are some helpful tips to get to know yourself.
Don’t take anything personally. This agreement gives you immunity in the interaction you have with the secondary characters in your story. You don’t have to concern yourself with other people’s points of view.
Selfhood and relationships are the two poles of one single fact. Birth demands of us that we come to know ourselves, what we are. But it calls upon us also to seek to discover the why of our existence; this discovery can never come to us fully except through human relationships.
Emotional intelligence is a set of skills you can get better at with practice. Here are five skills you can cultivate to make you a more emotionally intelligent person.
What’s more important: IQ or emotional intelligence? If you think IQ is more important, you might be surprised at what you’ll learn in this piece. Some argue that it’s more important to our success than cognitive intelligence.
Each of us has the challenge and the opportunity to create a new way of being human. We grow ourselves. Along the way, we may listen closely to someone we respect and admire and give that person a key role in our creative process.