By Develop Good Habits Staff — 2021
Knowing your personal core values is one way of connecting with your authentic self.
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If you want to make a greater contribution by sharing all of your unique gifts, then commit to being more appropriately authentic on the job. You’ll likely feel much more engaged in your work, and you’ll increase the odds that you’ll fulfill your professional potential.
By showing up and consistently performing, your results speak for themselves.
Some argue that no one, regardless of race, can or should truly bring their whole selves to work. And, though this may be true, the issue is far more complex for people of color.
At 25, Harnaam Kaur holds the world record as the youngest woman to have a full beard. For years, she was bullied. Now she’s an Instagram star.
We look at the word “purpose” as something we go on a 10 year quest for … searching under rocks, climbing up mountains, and crossing over seas. We’re exhausting ourselves mentally, emotionally, and physically running after it. But, what if it was already on you?
As simple as it sounds, having a strong "why" behind your business is an essential ingredient for becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Your life depends on your brain. To be the ethical, engaged, creative, successful, and lively human being you intend to be, you need your brain. You need your brain and you also need to use your brain. It is not enough to possess a perfectly good brain—you must also use it.
But being your authentic self is now more important than ever.
One of Erikson’s most important contributions was to describe this as a psychosocial phenomenon—an interaction between someone’s sense of who he or she is as a person and society’s recognition of that person as an individual.
Here are four key ways to identify your identity.