By Stephen G. Adubato — 2020
Baldwin’s words explore what hatred can do not only to society at large but to the individual who bears it.
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We’ve all at some time in our lives felt anger ignite within us with a fiery intensity. This feeling surges through our veins in an intoxicating way, yet we also know that it can get us into a lot of trouble.
In this guided anger meditation script, you will quickly relax and feel calm. Meditation can significantly reduce your levels of anger, irritability, and frustration. When you practice this technique, you will learn to be less reactive to thoughts and feelings.
Psychologists can help people recognize and avoid the triggers that make them angry. They can also provide ways to help people manage the inevitable anger that sometimes flares without warning.
Even when justified, these challenging emotions can adversely affect us.
Could there possibly be benefits to anger? According to psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Rick Hanson, Ph.D., you can certainly use anger as a force for good.
We can suppress anger and aggression or act it out, either way making things worse for ourselves and others. Or we can practice patience: wait, experience the anger and investigate its nature. Pema Chödrön takes us step by step through this powerful practice.