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How Racism Began as White-On-White Violence

By Resmaa Menakem — 2018

Did over ten centuries of decontextualized medieval European brutality, which was inflicted on white bodies by other white bodies, begin to look like culture? Did this inter-generational trauma and its possible epigenetic effects end with European immigrants’ arrival in the “New World”?

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Mental Health Effects of Racism on Indigenous Communities

Racism is increasingly recognized as a factor that plays a role in mental health as well as disparities in mental health care. This can be particularly true among many of the most marginalized groups, including Indigenous communities.

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How Can I Say This So We Can Stay in This Car Together?

The poet, essayist, and playwright Claudia Rankine says every conversation about race doesn’t need to be about racism. But she says all of us — and especially white people — need to find a way to talk about it, even when it gets uncomfortable.

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‘White Fragility’ Is Everywhere. But Does Antiracism Training Work?

Robin DiAngelo’s best seller is giving white Americans a new way to talk about race. Do those conversations actually serve the cause of equality?

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The Intersectionality Wars

When Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term 30 years ago, it was a relatively obscure legal concept. Then it went viral.

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The Case for Reparations

Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.

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The Case for Reparations: An Intellectual Autopsy

Four years ago, I opposed reparations. Here's the story of how my thinking has evolved since then.

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Making People Aware of Their Implicit Biases Doesn’t Usually Change Minds. But Here’s What Does Work

Psychologists have yet to find a way to diminish hidden prejudice, but they do have strategies for thwarting discrimination

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Resmaa Menakem on Why Healing Racism Begins with the Body

Trauma therapist and author of My Grandmother's Hands talks honestly and directly about the historical and current traumatic impacts of racism in the U.S., and the necessity for us all to recognize this trauma, metabolize it, work through it, and grow up out of it.

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Culture, Not Hate? Symbols of the Confederacy

Two blocks north from my house, a neighbor flies a large Confederate flag. A half-mile south stands a statue commemorating the Confederate soldiers who fought to save my city from the invading armies of the United States of America.

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Misty Copeland Says Ballet Industry Is ‘Extremely Behind’ on Racial Equality, Justice

Misty Copeland is speaking out about racial injustice and inequality in ballet.

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Racial Discrimination