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How Racism Began as White-On-White Violence

By Resmaa Menakem — 2018

Did over ten centuries of decontextualized medieval European brutality, which was inflicted on white bodies by other white bodies, begin to look like culture? Did this inter-generational trauma and its possible epigenetic effects end with European immigrants’ arrival in the “New World”?

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Toni Morrison Beautifully Answers an "Illegitimate" Question on Race (Jan. 19, 1998) - Charlie Rose

In 1998, Charlie asked Toni Morrison about a question a journalist had once posed to her: "Can you imagine writing a novel not centered around race?" This is her amazing response.

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Toni Morrison's powerful words on racism

Toni Morrison, who chronicled the African American experience in fiction over five decades, has died aged 88. The novelist was the first African American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature and is widely regarded as a champion for repressed minorities.

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The Lie that Invented Racism - John Biewen

To understand and eradicate racist thinking, start at the beginning. That’s what journalist and documentarian John Biewen did, leading to a trove of surprising and thought-provoking information on the “origins” of race.

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How Racism Makes Us Sick - David R. Williams

Why does race matter so profoundly for health? David R.

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The cure for racism - Napoleon Wells - TEDxColumbiaSC

Dr. Wells proposes a mental health approach to curing racism. As a Clinical Psychologist for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Napoleon is the Supervisor of Primary Care Mental Health Integration, as well as an adjunct lecturer.

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The Roles of Gaslighting and Narcissism in Racism

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for clinical care. Please consult a health care provider for guidance specific to your case.

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Spiritual Bypassing and Antiracism in Yoga

It’s not enough for us to simply practice yoga, we also have to live yoga and seva.

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Lost Tribes and Promised Lands: The Origins of American Racism

An utterly revelatory work. Unprecedented in scope, detail, and ambition.

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Why Christianity Is Perceived as the White Man’s Religion - Olivia Pierce - TEDxEdina

Unconscious bias and lack of racial diversity in visual representation causes damage in schools, communities, workplaces and places of worship across the globe. It creates a divide between those who see themselves as empowered, and those who don’t.

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What White People Can Do Next: From Allyship to Coalition

Vital and empowering What White People Can Do Next teaches each of us how to be agents of change in the fight against racism and the establishment of a more just and equitable world.

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Racial Discrimination