By Andreas Weber — 2017
Spring’s joy emanates from our powers to participate in aliveness. We experience this joy in the presence of other beings, in encounters with the more-than-human-world. This joy inspires the desire to care for life.
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Branchings of belief from the lovely common root of “holy” and “whole” in the interleaving of all things.
Village as a field is a state of mind, a nexus of relationships, is constituted in the heart. It has many forms and many possibilities.
A deeper issue underlies each one’s part in the malaise enveloping the planet’s ecosystems—and its origins date back to long before the industrial revolution. To truly bring ourselves into harmony with the natural world, we must return to seeing humanity as part of it.
In 1973, a book claiming that plants were sentient beings that feel emotions, prefer classical music to rock and roll, and can respond to the unspoken thoughts of humans hundreds of miles away landed on the New York Times best-seller list for nonfiction.