By Vivian Manning-Schaffel — 2018
Our brains may be wired to empathize more with people who look like us, but being more empathetic starts with just listening.
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As a 6'2" dreadlocked black man, Tyler Merritt knows what it feels like to be stereotyped as threatening, which can have dangerous consequences. But he also knows that proximity to people who are different from ourselves can be a cure for racism.
The son of a “black” father and a “white” mother, Thomas Chatterton Williams found himself questioning long-held convictions about race upon the birth of his blond-haired, blue-eyed daughter―and came to realize that these categories cannot adequately capture either of them, or anyone else.
Midwifing—A Womanist Approach to Pastoral Counseling: Investigating the Fractured Self, Slavery, Violence, and the Black Woman, is an investigation of intergenerational trauma. Exploring the impact of slavery, violence, racism, sexism, classism, and other isms on the self of the Black woman.
NBC News’ Simone Boyce sits with activist Rachel Cargle to talk about how race and gender intersect in the world of activism.
This primer on intersectional environmentalism aims to educate the next generation of activists on creating meaningful, inclusive, and sustainable change.
The Black Veterans Project co-founder and executive director Richard Brookshire joined CBSN to discuss the importance of initiatives supporting veterans of color and the legacy of inequality within the ranks.
The teaching of critical race theory has created debate and division in the American political system and school systems across the country, from elementary schools to universities. The debate has even seeped into churches.
Dear White Peacemakers is a breakup letter to division, a love letter to God’s beloved community, and an eviction notice to the violent powers that have sustained racism for centuries.
Alzo Slade participates in an “Emotional Emancipation Circle,” an Afrocentric support group created by the Community Healing Network and the Association of Black Psychologists. It’s a safe space for Black people to share personal experiences with racism and to process racial trauma.
Shame is at the intersection of individual psychology healing and social change. Clinically, when we follow the path of our shame, we experience the greatest healing, and culturally, when we move past the power of shame we can act together to improve civil rights for all.