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What’s Your Passion? Research Shows That Tapping into Your Life Passions Can Lead to Happiness

By Diane Raab — 2017

Ever since I was a little girl, my parents told me that when I grew up, I should do what I love and love what I do. Making a lot of money was not a huge criterion for choosing a career or profession.

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I Have a Serious Physical Disability, but the Biggest Daily Challenges Are with My Mindset

The ongoing dialogue I have with my own perspective and emotions is the biggest job I’ve ever undertaken. Exploring this internal give-and-take forces me to grow in surprising ways.

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The Beauty in Mental Illness

Look more closely and you’ll see.

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Is Grief Mental Illness? With Psychiatric Changes, Maybe

Normal bereavement and major depression share many of the same symptoms. And because of those similarities, psychiatrists have historically carved out what is known as a "bereavement exclusion." Its purpose was to reduce the likelihood that normal grief would be diagnosed as clinical depression.

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DSM-V: Interview With Social Worker Joanne Cacciatore, PhD, FT

I believe that social workers need to focus on that which we are trained to do: extend civic love and compassion to the client, staring where he or she is. We are not wed to the medical model; social work is ecological, psychosocial, and systems oriented.

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Experimental Treatments Changed the Course of the AIDS Epidemic; We Need the Same Approach to Mental Illness Today | Commentary

Demand from patients seeking help for their mental illnesses has led to underground use in a way that parallels black markets in the AIDS pandemic. This underground use has been most perilous for people of color, who face greater stigma and legal risks due to the War on Drugs.

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