By Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Many children have fears and worries, and may feel sad and hopeless from time to time. Strong fears may appear at different times during development.
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As a marriage dissolves, some parents find themselves asking questions like, “Should we stay together for the kids?” Other parents find divorce is their only option.
It’s hard to see a child unhappy. Whether a child is crying over the death of a pet or the popping of a balloon, our instinct is to make it better, fast. That’s where too many parents get it wrong, says the psychologist Susan David, author of the book “Emotional Agility.
Too many kids show worrying signs of fragility from a very young age. Here’s what we can do about it.
We tend to think of childhood as a time of innocence and joy, but as many as 2 to 3 percent of children from ages 6 to 12 can have serious depression.
All kids feel anxious or stressed sometimes, like when they’re getting ready for a big test. But kids who learn and think differently may feel stress more often or more intensely. Self-soothing techniques can help them relax and regain their sense of control.
Maintaining your authority is important to your child’s well-being—and it’s important for your own emotional health too.
According to research, approximately 20 percent of the population will experience depression at some point in their lives—this statistic increases to almost 60 percent in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Having ASD increases the risk of depression in teens, but effective treatments are available
Every generation, sometimes building on and sometimes rejecting what came before, develops its own ideas about parenting. For many millennials, the clinical psychologist Becky Kennedy, a.k.a. Dr. Becky, is the person whom they trust to deliver those ideas.
Even for a psychologist who studies how kids understand racism and violence, talking to her own children about it is difficult.