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Dharma for All

By Joan Duncan Oliver — 2019

Bhumisparsha, a virtual sangha started by Lama Rod Owens and Justin von Bujdoss, aims to create a new kind of Buddhist community.

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The History of LGBTQ Psychology from Stonewall to Now, with Peter Hegarty, PhD

Over the past decades, the focus of LGBTQ activism has shifted and evolved, from the AIDS crisis in the 1980s to the fight for marriage equality to the focus on transgender rights today.

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Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities: Promoting Equity and Culturally Responsive Care across Settings

Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities offers concrete guidelines and evidence-based best practices for addressing racial inequities and biases in clinical care. Perhaps there is no subject more challenging than the intricacies of race and racism in American culture.

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Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships

Illustrates how experiences and messages from our parents during childhood create internal defenses that, in turn, support negative views of ourself and others.

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A Therapist Breaks Down How Our Bodies Carry Racial Trauma

There’s growing research into racism’s real impact on the body, especially how stress can impact health and how your DNA works. Resmaa Menakem, a therapist and trauma specialist has been drawing on this research for years.

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Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

Joan Borysenko, co-founder and director of the Mind/Body Clinic at New England Deaconess Hospital/Harvard Medical School, describes the clinic’s ten-week program for learning to “mind the body” through a medical synthesis of neurology, immunology, and psychology.

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BIPOC Well-Being