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Dharma for All

By Joan Duncan Oliver — 2019

Bhumisparsha, a virtual sangha started by Lama Rod Owens and Justin von Bujdoss, aims to create a new kind of Buddhist community.

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Belonging to Ourselves and Each Other

Creating spaces where the need to assimilate, conform, and belong are no longer important

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Pushing Past Tokenism

La Sarmiento has been a leader of American LGBTQ and people-of-color Buddhist communities for close to a decade. I caught up with the trans, queer Filipino teacher before a silent retreat to discuss the dynamics of race and gender in a world that is typically White, cisgender and straight.

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Web exclusive: Ashoka—and his Edicts—the First Emperor of Dhamma

Asokan edicts dispersed throughout his empire were messengers of dhamma.

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Black Bodhisattvas

Dr. Kamilah Majied reflects her experiences at The Gathering of Buddhist Teachers of Black African Descent.

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Ethical Conduct Is the Essence of Dharma Practice

The Dalai Lama and Thubten Chodron outline three levels of Buddhist ethical codes, how we can follow them, and what it looks like when we miss the mark.

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Venerable Bhikkhu Analayo on the Satipatthana Sutta in Conversation with Phillip Moffitt

In April 2015 Venerable Bhikkhu Analayo — renowned German Buddhist monk, scholar, author, and teacher — led an 11-day meditation retreat for advanced practitioners at Spirit Rock centered around his comparative studies of the canonical versions of the Satipatthana Sutta (the Buddha's Four Foundations...

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A Conversation with Bhikkhu Anālayo

This month we have an interview with Bhikkhu Anālayo, probably best known to students of Dhamma in the West for his 2004 book, Satipaṭṭhāna: The Direct Path to Realization, which has since become a touchstone modern interpretation of that key sutta.

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The Road to Diversity

In this 2011 Buddhadharma Forum, Larry Yang, Amanda Rivera, Bob Agoglia, and Rev. angel Kyodo williams discuss how to foster meaningful diversity in American Buddhism.

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59 Ways to Turn Your Mind Around

The way to bodhicitta, the mind of compassion, is marked by the fifty-nine lojong slogans. Gaylon Ferguson points us in the right direction.

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See Us Clearly: A Buddhist’s View of Transgender Visibility

Ray Buckner offers a personal view of what it means to be Buddhist, gender-queer, and trans—and why they all fit together like “a miracle.”

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BIPOC Well-Being