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Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

By Tara Parker-Pope — 2021

The pandemic taught us that when you take care of yourself, you’re also taking care of your family, friends, and community. The 7-Day Well Challenge will show you how to focus on self-care in the new year.

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Brian and Natalie Vines: Strategies for Self-Care for Caregivers

Retired veteran Brian Vines is the fulltime caregiver for his Army veteran wife, Natalie Vines, who has TBI and PTSD. He knows that to be a good caregiver, he has to take time for himself whether that means a short break in the day or a meaningful reboot through retreats with other caregivers.

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Military Mental Health Care: A Guide for Service Members, Veterans, Families, and Community (Military Life)

Too often American veterans return from combat and spiral into depression, anger and loneliness they can neither share nor tackle on their own.

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Oprah Winfrey: Take Care of Yourself

Oprah Winfrey talks about the importance of taking care of yourself. She spoke at Stanford Graduate School of Business'

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