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Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

By Tara Parker-Pope — 2021

The pandemic taught us that when you take care of yourself, you’re also taking care of your family, friends, and community. The 7-Day Well Challenge will show you how to focus on self-care in the new year.

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Mental Health Affects Everyone—Youth Activists Inc. Mental Health Awareness Campaign

Mental Health affects everyone says Youth Activists.

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Brian and Natalie Vines: Strategies for Self-Care for Caregivers

Retired veteran Brian Vines is the fulltime caregiver for his Army veteran wife, Natalie Vines, who has TBI and PTSD. He knows that to be a good caregiver, he has to take time for himself whether that means a short break in the day or a meaningful reboot through retreats with other caregivers.

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How to Recruit 1 Billion Happy Environmentalists

We're talking about self-care and community care as a way to create a regenerative movement of many to calm the climate crisis.

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Sustaining Spirit: Self-Care for Social Justice

Caring - Volunteering - Always too much work to do - Burnout Does this sound familiar? Burnout is a vicious cycle. Naomi Ortiz went through this cycle many times before she realized: This Is Not Working. Sustaining Spirit shows how she broke the cycle of burnout and brought balance into her life.

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Radical Self Care: Alicia Garza

Let’s hear how revolutionary artists and activists take care of themselves in these chaotic times. Check out what Alicia Garza had to say!

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A Burst of Light and Other Essays

This path-breaking collection of essays is a clarion call to build communities that nurture our spirit. Lorde announces the need for a radical politics of intersectionality while struggling to maintain her own faith as she wages a battle against liver cancer.

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Rhythm of Compassion: Caring for Self, Connecting with Society

The Rhythm of Compassion addresses one of the central spiritual questions of our time: Can we heal ourselves and society simultaneously? The core premise of this book is that the health of the human psyche and the health of the world are inextricably related, and we cannot truly heal one without...

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Oprah Winfrey: Take Care of Yourself

Oprah Winfrey talks about the importance of taking care of yourself. She spoke at Stanford Graduate School of Business'

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Radical Self-Care: Angela Davis

It’s Radical Self-Care Week here at AFROPUNK. Let’s hear how revolutionary artists and activists take care of themselves in these chaotic times. Check out what Angela Davis had to say.

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Zainab Salbi on How to Give Fully Without Sacrificing Yourself | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN

For decades, Zainab Salbi has connected and inspired women who persist in war-torn regions around the world. She has acted as a powerful voice for reaching and uniting women through a shared perspective.

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