By Barbara Majsa
I don’t like it when people say one thing and then do something else. That’s the case with the climate crisis. People say: “This is the most important issue of all,” and carry on as they did before - Greta Thunberg
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Clearly, there is much more to learn about nonviolent resistance: It is an emerging phenomenon, and research on the topic is likewise emerging within the social sciences.
The Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister of Justice and Local Church Ministries United Church of Christ, marks the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
How do you celebrate and teach the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., both on the holiday that celebrates his birth, and all year long?
In his last years, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was grappling with many issues: workers’ rights, a sprawling protest movement, persistent segregation and poverty. We inherited them all.
A conversation with historian Peniel Joseph.