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Looking to Thrive? Then Vedic Meditation Might Be the Answer for You

By Serena Oppenheim — 2018

How Vedic Meditation helped me, and why it might help you.

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5 Rules for Succeeding in the Workplace When You Have ADHD

Rules one through five are the same: Find the right job. This rule gets broken all the time, however, leaving millions of adults with ADHD in jobs that they don’t like but don’t dare get out of. Here’s how to break the cycle.

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Overloaded Circuits: Why Smart People Underperform

Frenzied executives who fidget through meetings, lose track of their appointments, and jab at the “door close” button on the elevator aren’t crazy—just crazed. They suffer from a newly recognized neurological phenomenon that the author, a psychiatrist, calls attention deficit trait, or ADT.

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The Mental Cost of Emotional Labor

“The research is pretty clear that surface acting is almost always bad for you.”

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How to Avoid Doing All the Emotional Labor at Work

All those little details, necessary but distinctly un-flashy, are sometimes referred to as “emotional labor.” In the workplace, that labor may include booking a room for a meeting, reserving an event space, or keeping morale going with a Secret Santa exchange.

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How Emotional Labor May Affect You at Work

It could be dragging down your job performance and psychological health.

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How to Talk to Your Boss About Emotional Labor

Effective strategies for discussing the invisible load you’re shouldering in the workplace.

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Let Go of Toxic Workplace ‘Emotional Labour’ in 2019

What will you leave behind in 2019? Here’s one suggestion: toxic workplace emotional labour. If you’re an administrator or manager, you may have influence over that not only for you but for employees in your sphere of influence.

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Emotional Labor Is a Store Clerk Confronting a Maskless Customer

The preeminent sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild discusses the control over one’s feelings needed to go to work every day during a pandemic.

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Managing the Hidden Stress of Emotional Labor

With the possible exception of Sesame Street’s Oscar the Grouch, very few of us have the luxury of being able to be completely and utterly ourselves all the time at work.

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Emotional Labor: What It Is and What It Is Not

Emotional labor is a paid chore, not a household chore.

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Vedic Meditation