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Looking to Thrive? Then Vedic Meditation Might Be the Answer for You

By Serena Oppenheim — 2018

How Vedic Meditation helped me, and why it might help you.

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Which Type of Meditation Is Right for Me?

Not all meditation styles are right for everyone. These practices require different skills and mindsets. How do you know which practice is right for you?

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Inner Peace: As Easy As Breathing

You don't have to tie yourself in knots to meditate, nor chant unintelligible mantras. Quelling your unruly babble of thoughts in order to focus on the silence within is as simple as one to five, as Andrew Purvis discovers.

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Moving Beyond Meditation

Grounded in our formal practice of meditation, we can relax into the vast, open awareness that is our ultimate nature. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche tells the story of his own introduction to the Great Perfection.

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5 Ways to Befriend Yourself in Meditation

You may not consider how to befriend yourself in meditation, but when you shift your mindset, you can develop a friendly and compassionate approach to the practice. Try the following five practices and approaches to meditation.

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Meditation as a Tool for Survival

Meditation is very handy for adapting to challenging situations.

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What Really Happens in Meditation

There is often a review of the to-do's while meditating. Meditation is a bath in the life force.

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Daily Life as Spiritual Exercise

In the Middle Ages people were well aware of the inexhaustible power that arises simply from sitting still. After that time, knowledge of the purifying power of stillness and its practice was, in the West, largely lost.

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How to Meditate

A meditation guide for beginners.

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How to Meditate

Meditation isn't very hard. In fact: if you can breathe, you can meditate. Learn how to meditate, as taught by the Buddha, with our easy-to-follow guide.

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What Is Kundalini Meditation?

Kundalini meditation is a way of channeling your energy and releasing yourself from stress and living on "auto-pilot."

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Vedic Meditation