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Looking to Thrive? Then Vedic Meditation Might Be the Answer for You

By Serena Oppenheim — 2018

How Vedic Meditation helped me, and why it might help you.

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An Introduction to Peak Performance

Some people just seem to excel when the situation calls for it.

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An Introduction to Movement Meditation

To make sense of the movements of life, many ancient traditions use paradigms and models that in English are translated as “energy.” The Hindu traditions often use the term Shakti, that without which nothing happens. This refers to the feminine aspect of the Divine.

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This Mindful Movement Practice Will Help People Who ‘Hate Meditating’ Find Inner Tranquility

The main complaint amongst people who “aren't meditators” is that they hate the idea of sitting still with their thoughts. But considering all of the benefits associated with the practice—it boosts creativity, calms anxiety, and helps with focus, to name a few—it may be worth reconsidering.

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How to Meditate When You Have No Idea Where to Start

To help you learn how to meditate and integrate it into your life, SELF asked meditation experts some of your most common meditation questions.

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10 Unexpected Ways to Meditate Every Day

If carving out an hour to sit on a cushion doesn’t float your boat, there are many unexpected ways to meditate every day. Get the benefits of meditation by trying out an alternative style from this list.

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Which Type of Meditation Is Right for Me?

Not all meditation styles are right for everyone. These practices require different skills and mindsets. How do you know which practice is right for you?

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Why Companies Who Hire People with Disabilities Outperformed Their Peers

Hiring and supporting employees with disabilities isn’t just a matter of corporate social responsibility or public relations; it’s just good business.

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Leaders with Disabilities Have Instincts that Inspire Their Teams and Stimulate Productivity

These four instincts of an entrepreneur with a disability inspire teams and stimulate productivity.

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Bring Your Whole Self to Work! Hiding Disability at Work Is Damaging to Productivity

When disability isn’t disclosed, we create an invisible layer of additional work for the individual which will affect their productivity.

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An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

The definition of emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others. The notion of emotions being important in our lives goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks.

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Vedic Meditation