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What Is Compassion Meditation? (+ Mantras and Scripts)

By Michelle Ribeiro, BCom. — 2020

In Positive Psychology, Compassion is seen as a way to relate to the self and a pathway to happiness. The proven benefits of compassion range from increased well-being, to relief from illness, and improved relationships. Continue reading to learn the many proven benefits of compassion meditation and how to practice it, as well as apps, exercises, and scripts to help you get started with your practice.

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Polyvagal Theory and How It Relates to Social Cues

We innately long for feelings of safety, trust, and comfort in our connections with others and quickly pick up cues that tell us when we may not be safe.

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Stephen Porges: ‘Survivors are Blamed Because they Don’t Fight’

The psychiatry professor on the polyvagal theory he developed to understand our reactions to trauma.

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Stephen W. Porges, PhD: Q&A About Freezing, Fainting, and the ‘Safe’ Sounds of Music Therapy

[Porges'] widely-cited polyvagal theory contends that living creatures facing or sensing mortal danger will immobilize, even “play dead,” as a last resort.

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Compassion Meditation