By UPLIFT Foundation — 2019
Though he was the most famous scientist of his time, Albert Einstein knew we could never fully understand the workings of the world within the limitations of the human mind.
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We look at the word “purpose” as something we go on a 10 year quest for … searching under rocks, climbing up mountains, and crossing over seas. We’re exhausting ourselves mentally, emotionally, and physically running after it. But, what if it was already on you?
As simple as it sounds, having a strong "why" behind your business is an essential ingredient for becoming a successful entrepreneur.
While trusting your gut can be scary and challenging at first, it’s an important skill for all entrepreneurs to learn so that they can confidently make the many decisions that will impact their business.
A recurrent theme in our interviews with [these] award-winning entrepreneurs was the powerful role of intuition—or instinct, gut feeling, a “spidey sense.”
Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have all said they use intuition for business and let’s face it, they have had quite a bit of success with it.
Our intuition, at least in part, is probably related to the experiences we’ve had and what we are doing is quickly processing an interpretation of a situation based on those experiences.
Entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs,and Oprah Winfrey rely on their intuition to make decisions. You can’t argue with success.
If you’re an entrepreneur, tapping into your intuition can play a critical role in helping you reach your goals.
The entrepreneur and community leader on healing, boundaries, and tuning into yourself.
If Tony Robbins told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? Marc Benioff would. He did.