By Ora Nadrich — 2019
Mindfulness can raise awareness to such a degree that you experience an intensified sensory perception similar to that of psychedelics.
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Making yourself inaccessible from time to time is essential to boosting your focus.
Feel like you can never focus deeply? You’re probably not meeting these needs for continued attention.
Work can cause many frustrations for those with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Here are some tips and strategies for making your work life easier and more productive.
If you’re going to procrastinate, you might as well read this.
Productivity and focus are two different things, although they are certainly connected in some regards. There are several important factors when it comes to being productive, and focus is one of them.
The party line of the microdosing community is that it helps with feelings of depression and anxiety (depending on the drug and the severity of the illness), and can make general improvements to your day-to-day life — from focus and productivity (it’s a Silicon Valley hack) to sleep and sex drive.