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Why Saying Is Believing—The Science of Self-Talk

By Laura Starecheski — 2014

From the self-affirmations of Stuart Smalley on Saturday Night Live to countless videos on YouTube, saying nice things to your reflection in the mirror is a self-help trope that's been around for decades, and seems most often aimed at women.

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Positive Self Talk in Athletes Improves Performance

One of the simplest concepts of sports psychology is developing positive self-talk. It’s also one of the hardest sports psychology skills to master.

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7 Visualization Techniques to Create a Better Life

There is nothing human-made that came into being without forming as an image in the mind. It is basically impossible to create something without imagining it beforehand.

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Visualization Techniques to Affirm Your Desired Outcomes: A Step-By-Step Guide

The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals, and ambitions.

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A Spiritual “Paradox”: Setting Goals or Going with the Flow?

Sometimes people who have studied Eastern philosophy or are on a certain spiritual path feel a hesitation about using creative visualization when they first hear of it.

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Shakti Gawain’s Guide to Creating the Relationship You Long For

For a struggling young New York actress longing for a life partner and career success, stumbling upon Creative Visualization was like finding the keys to a magic door.

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Creating from Consciousness

I was reading metaphysical books and going to workshops, and one of the ones I attended was on creative visualization—learning to use your natural creative imagination in a more conscious way to create what you really want.

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Do You Use Creative Visualization for a Healthy Sense of Self?

Have you ever heard someone say they were using visualization and affirmations to “manifest” things in their life? What does that even mean?

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Creative Visualization: Learn How to Use the Powerful Force of Your Subconscious Mind

Think of the subconscious mind as a second, hidden mind that exists within you— its goal is to attract circumstances and situations that match the images you hold within.

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Meditation and Children, Part 5: Creative Visualization

Creative visualization goes by a number of names: creative imagination, visualization, visual imaging. Whatever the name, the process involves calling up images, sounds and/or feelings that calm the mind and body, and focus the attention on a specific task.

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4 Creative Visualization Techniques to Help You Accomplish Anything

Visualization allows us to conceptualize our goals and enables us to invite the energy it'll take to reach them. It's one of the most powerful superpowers we have — but it's also one of the most overlooked.

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