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Why Saying Is Believing—The Science of Self-Talk

By Laura Starecheski — 2014

From the self-affirmations of Stuart Smalley on Saturday Night Live to countless videos on YouTube, saying nice things to your reflection in the mirror is a self-help trope that's been around for decades, and seems most often aimed at women.

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Bulimia and the Brain: How Is Neurobiology a Factor?

The field of neurobiology and eating disorders is one that is being continually studied and understood.

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Parenting a Neurodivergent Child Is Hard!

It is hard for those who do not parent a neurodivergent child to understand how complex, sad, and draining it can be to see your child constantly triggered, flaring up in ways beyond the child’s ability to control and your ability to resolve.

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Variation is the Stuff of Life. So Why Can it Make us Uncomfortable?

Embracing difference is vital for our success as a species, but it places extra demands on the brain. Here’s how to get better at it.

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Your Brain Predicts (Almost) Everything You Do

Cutting-edge neuroscience shows that your brain isn’t built for thinking—it’s made to predict your reality, and you have more power over that perception than you might think.

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We Have More than Five Senses. A Neuroscientist Explains the Hidden Abilities We Often Overlook

Neuroscientist Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett delves into the different ways we’re able to perceive the world that go beyond sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

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Stephen W. Porges, PhD: Q&A About Freezing, Fainting, and the ‘Safe’ Sounds of Music Therapy

[Porges'] widely-cited polyvagal theory contends that living creatures facing or sensing mortal danger will immobilize, even “play dead,” as a last resort.

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Reality Is Not What It Seems—And Neither Are You!

The world we perceive comes as much from the inside-out, as from the outside-in.

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Catching Sight of Your Self

Perception as the key to who we are

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