By About Meditation — 2012
Do you know how to practice a chakra meditation? Here is a simple 8-step guide to practicing chakra meditation (And don’t miss the short video at the end of this article on How To Awaken Your Chakras).
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Learning how to meditate can help you to achieve success faster, because when your mind is clear and focused, and your body is relaxed and calm, you can access information, both internal and external, that can help you make better decisions.
Meditation can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Meditation is also a consciousness-changing technique that has been shown to have a wide number of benefits on psychological well-being.
Meditation offers time for relaxation and heightened awareness in a stressful world where our senses are often dulled. Research suggests that meditation has the potential for more than just temporary stress relief.
One of the most in-depth meditation studies to date shows that different practices have different benefits.
Meditation can reduce anxiety and stress. Here are tips on how to meditate for beginners.
By meditation we mean something very basic and simple that is not tied to any one culture.
Consider doing something nice for your poor, flustered brain. Don't know how to meditate? Neither did we! So we asked Andy Puddicombe, the cofounder of Headspace and the voice on its app, to write this basic script. Have a friend read it to you slowly, setting a timer for 10 minutes.
Training the mind, meditating, being mindful, or whatever else we choose to call it only works if we actively engage with it. More than that, it only works if we practice it regularly, preferably on a daily basis with a considered, gentle discipline.
Science proves meditating restructures your brain and trains it to concentrate, feel greater compassion, cope with stress, and more.
Everything you ever wanted to know about meditating, but didn't have a teacher to ask.