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What Is Dharma?

By Reginald A. Ray — 2017

According to Reginald A. Ray, dharma is a fascinating term because it integrates several levels of experience, from our first moment on the path to the achievement of full realization. Dharma. Photo by Adrian Pelletier. The Sanskrit word “dharma” is without doubt the most important and most commonly used term in Buddhism. Among the three jewels of buddha, dharma and sangha in which all Buddhists take refuge, the dharma is pre-eminent.

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The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life

Everyone has a purpose in life . . . a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal.

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Who Me

The central teaching of Buddhism, discussed in detail in the psychological descriptions of the Abhidharma (higher dharma), is that of anatman, or “not-self.

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How to Study the Dharma

In Buddhism, an ever-deepening understanding unfolds naturally from intellectual study. This process is classically expressed in the teaching of the three prajnas, or kinds of knowledge—hearing, contemplating and meditating.

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Sri Dharma Mittra – Conversation with a Guru

Sri Dharma Mittra: What most pleases me is to remove the doubts of the obedient students since these doubts are the cause of all pain and suffering.

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Ask the Teachers: Are There Types of Work That Are Incompatible with Buddhist Practice?

Konda Mason, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, and José Shinzan Palma discuss the difficulty of aligning our work lives with our Buddhist values.

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