By Jane Clark and Michael Cohen — 2020
An interview from the archives with physicist and philosopher David Bohm [in which] he talks about his insight into the essential unbroken wholeness of the universe
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In the world’s largest study on psychedelics and the brain, a team of researchers from The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) and Department of Biomedical Engineering of McGill University, the Broad Institute at Harvard/MIT, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, and Mila—Quebec...
When thinking about these two concepts, just remember that conscious means to be awake and aware while conscience refers to your inner sense of right and wrong.
In order to be able to answer the question of whether productive obsessing is something to shun or to value, it would be good to know what consciousness is—not only in a biochemical sense but also in a way that does justice to our felt experience of individuality and instrumentality.
The ability to control our dreams is a skill that more of us are seeking to acquire for sheer pleasure. But if taken seriously, scientists believe it could unlock new secrets of the mind.
An obscure Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, set down the philosophical framework for planetary, Net-based consciousness 50 years ago.
Many scientists and bodywork therapists believe consciousness is tangible and can be touched. The fascial system, a super network of connective tissue is the physical doorway we can use to enter into consciousness.
I just spent a week at a symposium on the mind-body problem, the deepest of all mysteries. The mind-body problem--which encompasses consciousness, free will and the meaning of life--concerns who we really are.
Scientists may not even be asking the right questions.
Studies have shown that people synchronize heart rates and breathing when watching emotional films together. The same happens when romantic partners share a bed.
Coined in the sixteenth century by the Italian philosopher and proto-scientist Francesco Patrizi, whose work inspired Galileo, from the Greek pan (“all”) and psyche (“mind” or “spirit”), panpsychism is the idea that all matter is endowed with the capacity for subjective experience of...