By Stacey Burlilng — 2019
The study also found that financial problems were correlated with changes in the brain that are a sign of Alzheimer's disease.
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Taking care of a loved one with an illness or disability can stir up some complicated emotions.
Becoming a cancer caregiver will change your life in many ways, and your loss could be profound. Learning how to cope with the grieving process will help.
Information and conversation are key to facing the challenges of care
Many family caregivers choose to support a relative with dementia at home. But as their disease progresses, caring for someone with dementia alone may become difficult to manage. If a time comes when you need help caring for your elderly loved one, help is available.
Try your best to remain open to all possible solutions and communicate honestly with the people in your life.
Compartmentalize your life to be fully present in the moment
Light exercise, breathing techniques, even smiling can improve overall wellness
Although some entrepreneurs are not born rich, they see entrepreneurship as an opportunity, not a risk.
Here's how one entrepreneur shattered her own self-imposed earning ceilings by changing her money mindset and realizing her worth.
Because I experienced so much financial instability in my early 20s, I work hard every single day on building a healthy relationship with money. No one really talks about how demoralizing it is to scrounge up quarters from your couch so you can afford a bacon egg and cheese sandwich at the bodega.