By Elvira G. Aletta — 2009
Dr. Klass consulted child development experts. Here is a summary of what she learned: Most children will take something that’s not theirs at some time.
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Challenging behaviour is a form of communication. If the teacher is able to become someone who is able to understand what is being communicated, their classroom and the lives of the vulnerable pupils in it will be transformed.
Dr. Nancy Rappaport of Harvard Medical School, author of 'The Behavior Code' with Jessica Minahan, discusses strategies for helping kids with disruptive behavior problems learn in the classroom.
Learn how to deal with a child who acts out during transitions. We use a role play example to clearly demonstrate interventions that can help manage acting out behaviors.
This film follows life inside 5 UK primary schools to uncover the enormous challenges faced by teachers dealing with violent and disruptive behaviour.
The DVD, produced by Grace Hanlon, M.S.
Learn how to address challenging behaviors in early childhood settings (EC-4) by Brenda Armstrong for Gulf Coast Community Services Association (GCCSA) Teachers. These techniques can be applied at home as well. In this video you will learn how to address students that misbehave.
Excerpt from instructional DVD series for teachers of young children titled: Facing The Challenge.
Peter discusses how parents can help their children with the stresses of current events.
With decades of clinical and classroom behavior management success, authors Scott Walls and Deb Rauner have written a comprehensive manual featuring the best methods for effective change.