By Lori Gilbert
Many people are searching at this time, for what they call the truth. They are seeking guidance in this arena from "higher" beings on other dimensions. In other words, they'd like to learn how to channel.
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The concept of telekinesis—the ability to use the power of thought or focused intention without any physical intervention to induce movement in objects at rest or influence the movement of objects and physical systems already in motion—is often relegated to the realm of science fiction and...
Telepathy has not been conclusively proven, nor has it been disproven. While there is no room for the concept of telepathy in classical Newtonian physics, quantum physics does not discount the possibility.
No crystal ball or ouija board necessary.
Rose interacts through Joanne Helfrich through a bridge personality to express her highly informed perspective on the nature of reality. Because Rose is not Joanne’s essence, the interaction is sometimes referred to as an energy exchange, but the phenomenon is more widely known as channeling.
Many channelers claim their spirit guides are only a part of their subconscious minds, their intuition, or their “creative unconscious.” The spirits themselves may claim this.
Every one of us can channel, that is, receive energy as information, and many have. It is just that we do not recognize it as such. When we connect in dreams with a beloved parent, ancestor, or friend who has died, we are in a way channeling.
Not-easily-explained dynamics found in the brains of experienced spirit mediums.
Learn about the history of channeling, from antiquity to the 19th Century.
The practice of channeling — a person's body being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of communication — has been around for millennia. There are countless stories of shamen, witch doctors, prophets and others who claim to hear voices or receive some supernatural knowledge from the spirit world.
The key to telepathy with your furry friend: ‘You just have to trust your imagination’.