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The Doctor's Remedy: Biofeedback for Stress

By Anahad O'Connor — 2012

Patients aren’t the only ones interested in alternative and complementary medicine. In an occasional series, Well talks to doctors around the country to find out what nontraditional medicines or therapies they sometimes recommend or use themselves.

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Vagus Nerve Yoga: A Mind-Body Approach to Wellness

“Healthy vagal tone can be thought of as an optimal balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system actions that allows you to respond with resilience to the ups and downs of life.

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Stress Makes Us Strong: How Meditation Helps

Stressing the body makes you stronger—as long as you have time to rest and recover.

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Three Steps to Overcoming Overwhelm

Everyone hates overwhelm–it leaves you feeling stressed out and often paralyzed (which just makes the overwhelm worse). But once you’re stuck in it, how do you get out and get to a point where you can start taking action again?

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Science Explains How the Iceman Resists Extreme Cold

Finland’s Arctic circle might not seem like a great place to run a marathon barefoot and in shorts—unless you’re Wim Hof. Hof, better known as "The Iceman," has attained roughly two dozen world records by completing marvellous feats of physical endurance in conditions that would kill others.

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The Power of the Relaxation Response

A behavioral medicine pioneer reports on a time-tested technique that reverses aging and improves health.

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Distressed by Recent Turmoil? New Book Offers Coping Tips Based on Your ‘Reactor Type.’

Each of us has our own personal response styles when it comes to dealing with potential threats, everyday stressors, and worries about the future.

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Positive Affirmations to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

From giving an important presentation at work to attending a party by yourself, there are countless situations that can be impacted by negative thoughts.

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Stress Management: Know Your Triggers

Your response to the demands of the world determines your stress level. Take time to consider common stressors and how they affect you.

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Job Loss and Unemployment Stress

While the stress of losing a job can seem overwhelming, there are many things you can do to take control of the situation, maintain your spirits, and find a renewed sense of purpose.

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Need Stress Relief? Try the 4 A's

Expand your stress management toolkit by mastering these four strategies for coping with stress: avoid, alter, accept and adapt.

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