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The Science Behind Breathwork + 5 Benefits of the Practice

By Joni Sweet — 2020

Take one big inhale that expands in your belly. Hold it. Now exhale deeply. Congratulations, you've just engaged in breathwork, an ancient practice that's quickly gaining popularity. If you're thinking, "Wait, I've been inhaling and exhaling continuously since the day I was born. Does that mean I've been practicing breathwork this whole time?" the answer is, unfortunately, no. Most of the time,

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How to Rest in Awareness by Tapping into a Mindful Moment

Mindfulness teacher Jason Gant reflects on a heartfelt memory when he was able to lean on his deep practice and mindfully take action.

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5 Ways Breathwork Can Support a Mindful Pregnancy

The breath is the foundation of every mindfulness practice, and it is also the foundation of life. Establishing a relationship with your breath, especially while pregnant, will have lasting effects for you and the child you are bringing into the world.

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The Healing Power of Breath

Life begins and ends with a single breath. Here, Stanislav Grof, a psychiatrist with five decades of experience in researching consciousness, offers a glimpse into the history of breathwork and the healing power of breath.

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4 Research-Backed Benefits of Mindful Breathing

In part three of this three-part series on The Science of Breathing, discover a few of the ways focusing on the breath in yoga—and in everyday life—can improve your overall well-being.

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A 90-Second Breathwork Tool to Reduce Stress

Ashley Neese, a holistic practitioner in California, describes breathwork as a deeper kind of self-care, one that can “help you move through blocks you can’t see.” Slow, intentioned, mindful breathing is a tool that can be used “any time, any place,” she says.

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