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How Breathwork Benefits the Mind, Body, and Spirit

By — 2020

If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, you’ve heard an instructor remind you to control your breath. In the ancient yogic teachings, the practice of directing the breath is called Pranayama, and it teaches you to breathe consciously, with awareness, and with intent. Within the teachings, there exists many different exercises that can help you tap into your breath as a means of building self-awareness and focus during meditation or yoga.

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Breathwork Has Gone Mainstream During the Covid Era

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There’s Actually a Crazy Simple Way to Boost Your Happiness—Fast

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Wim Hof: The Man and the Method

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Can Breathing Like Wim Hof Make Us Superhuman?

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I suddenly knew that the mechanical reactions of my muscles and guts were my personality; that my soul, in fact, lay there writhing to break out of those rigid bonds. - Don Hanlon Johnson

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To Touch Enlightenment with the Body

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Start with Your Body

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