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I Tried This Trippy Healing Modality for Mental Clarity—And Still Can’t Believe How It Made Me Feel

By Erin Magner — 2017

A few years ago, a friend told me about an underground breathwork circle she’d attended in Venice Beach—back when breathwork outside of yoga studios was still hush-hush. It was totally trippy and cathartic she told me. People were convulsing, shouting, sobbing uncontrollably. And she couldn’t wait to do it again.

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Can Breathing Like Wim Hof Make Us Superhuman?

Wim Hof has run marathons barefoot and shirtless above the Arctic Circle, dove under the ice at the North Pole and languished in ice baths for north of 90 minutes—all feats that he attributes to a special kind of breathing practice.

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7 Practical Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence measures our ability to perceive our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, and to manage them in a productive and healthy way.

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5 Skills to Help You Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a set of skills you can get better at with practice. Here are five skills you can cultivate to make you a more emotionally intelligent person.

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