By Lucy Sweet — 2013
Does your child have the winter lurgy? It’s horrible, isn’t it? The stress. The sheet washing. The boredom. The nagging feeling that you will probably never leave the house again.
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Eckhart discusses how spontaneous physical healing can occur when Presence arises.
Our children can be our greatest teachers. Parenting expert Susan Stiffelman writes that the very behaviors that push our buttons—refusing to cooperate or ignoring our requests—can help us build awareness and shed old patterns, allowing us to raise our children with greater ease and enjoyment.
One of the very best scientific predictors for how any child turns out—in terms of happiness, academic success, leadership skills, and meaningful relationships—is whether at least one adult in their life has consistently shown up for them.
One of the most important capacities we can access during this time of so much uncertainty is the ability to be comfortable in the unknown.
In this 90-minute workshop, Craig shares several powerful practices you can incorporate into your life to help you stay centered and grounded no matter what challenges the pandemic brings your way.