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How to Work with Anger on the Spiritual Path

By Stef Osofsky — 2017

Not long ago, I had a session with an energy healer. Actually, my dog Apollo and I both did.

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Exploring the Mental Health Stigma in Black Communities

The Black community is more inclined to say that mental illness is associated with shame and embarrassment. Individuals and families in the Black community are also more likely to hide the illness.

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The Story of You

If you use your awareness, you will see everything you believe, and this is how you live your life. Your life is totally dominated by the system of beliefs that you learned.

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If Self-Discipline Feels Difficult, Then You’re Doing It Wrong

Many equate self-discipline with living a good, moral life, which ends up creating a lot of shame when we fail. There’s a better way to build lasting, solid self-discipline in your life.

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