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What to Say When a Pet Dies

By Annie Stuart

When a pet dies, it's common for people to feel as though they've lost a member of the family. For children, this is often their first encounter with death.

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3 Things Christians Should Stop Saying to Struggling Veterans

When reaching out to veterans in need, don’t let your good intentions be sidelined by one of these common mistakes.

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The Forgotten Radicalism of Jesus Christ

First-century Christians weren’t prepared for what a truly inclusive figure he was, and what was true then is still true today.

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Rachel Held Evans, Hero to Christian Misfits

The firebrand writer died unexpectedly over the weekend at the age of 37.

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Reverend, You Say the Virgin Birth Is ‘a Bizarre Claim’?

Nicholas Kristoff interviews Serene Jones.

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Death or Loss of an Animal Companion