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Can Psychedelic Experiences Cure Alcohol Addiction?

By Mark Travers — 2019

A new study hints at a novel and promising treatment for alcohol use disorder.

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This Is Your Brain On . . .

New science tells us how to better manage our addictions.

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How Yoga and Exercise Help with Addiction Recovery

Certain types of yoga can produce a natural “high” that can help those recovering from addiction. For Troy Jackson, yoga proved to be such a powerful recovery tool that he’s now a yoga teacher.

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Constant Craving: How Digital Media Turned Us All into Dopamine Addicts

According to addiction expert Dr Anna Lembke, our smartphones are making us dopamine junkies, with each swipe, like and tweet feeding our habit. So how do we beat our digital dependency?

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Q&A: Anna Lembke on Smartphone Technology Addiction

Stanford psychiatrist Anna Lembke M.D. sat down with The Daily to discuss her clinical work and how it relates to the increasing prevalence of technology addiction.

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We Are Broken Together

“Even where I live in St. Paul, known nationally for being the ‘crossroads of recovery,’” William said, “the stigma prevents people from thinking about alcoholics and other drug addicts as ‘good people with a bad illness.’”

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His Family Found the Way to Cope

"I knew how progressive the disease was. I knew each time I used, I fell faster and faster. I knew when I went out that day I was a dead man. I didn't go out to do drugs. I went out to die."

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Celebrity's Son: Big Connections And Addictions; Ordeal of Moyers Family Underlies a TV Documentary

William Moyers's ordeal helped motivate Bill Moyers's new documentary series, ''Close to Home,'' which explores the nature of addiction. ''It isn't about me,'' his son said. ''It's about thousands of people like me.

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Yahoo Sports: ‘Why Not Roll the Dice?’ Lamar Odom’s Risky Road Back from Addiction and Depression

It is now more than five years since Odom’s drug abuse prematurely ended his NBA career, destroyed his marriage to Khloe Kardashian and left him comatose for three days in a Las Vegas hospital.

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A Psychotherapeutic View on the Therapeutic Effects of Ritual Ayahuasca Use in the Treatment of Addiction

In an appropriate context, ayahuasca can be a valuable therapeutic tool and can act as a catalyst that can render psychotherapeutic processes more effective in less time, and sometimes allow for critical interventions when several other therapeutic strategies have been unsuccessful.

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Picking Addiction Help (Part 2)

Addiction is now recognized to be a chronic illness that lurks indefinitely within an addict in recovery.

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Addiction Recovery