By Paula Stephens — 2020
Four and a half years after the death of my oldest son, I finally went to a grief support group for parents who have lost children.
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I’ve been disabled and intensely ill with the degenerative neuro-immuno illness myalgic encephalomyelitis (formerly known by the misnomer “chronic fatigue syndrome”) for 30 years.
For Saeed Jones, generations collapse into seconds during an American week of chaos and sorrow.
This is an ode to digital friendships, a taxonomy of connections and disconnections.
There are no adequate words to give thanks to those who trudge along with us on the cancer trek, especially those who assist us while they themselves remain vulnerable.
Anyone of any sexual orientation, gender, or other relationships status can be in a queerplatonic relationship
Hiding your feelings can be freeing. But eventually you have to take off the mask.
A cancer diagnosis brings a wealth of psychological challenges. In fact, adults living with cancer have a six-time higher risk for psychological disability than those not living with cancer.
Includes Frequently Asked Questions about how to communicate and cope.
Although being in a close relationship during the cancer journey can dramatically improve outcomes, the stress of treatment and the diagnosis itself can take a toll on couples, sometimes in a negative way.
Figuring out what to say—or what not to say—can feel daunting.