By Martha Beck — 2020
Still clinging to the fears and fury of childhood? You can unarrest your development once and for all.
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The Behavior Code unlocks a wealth of proven practices to help teachers, counselors, and parents identify the messages underlying challenging student behaviors and respond in supportive ways.
As a psychotherapist and a foster parent, I’ve seen firsthand how parenting habits directly affect the way kids think, feel, and behave. I’m sharing how to give up the unhealthy yet common parenting habits that are draining kids of the mental strength they need to reach their greatest potential.
Kids need mental strength just as much as adults, especially right now. On today’s Friday Fix, I share the 13 Things Strong Kids Do and some strategies you can use to encourage your kids to develop these healthy habits now.
Jessica Lahey has spent more than 20 years as a teacher, including five years teaching in a drug and alcohol rehab center for adolescents.
In the real world, people on the autism spectrum need the same kinds of day-to-day skills everyone else needs to be functional! It’s true.
Dr. Jessica Dere explains how culture makes a difference when thinking about mental health and mental illness. Across mental health research, clinical care and teaching, there are profound rewards to be had by truly understanding individuals in context.
Science tells us that the foundations of sound mental health are built early in life. Early experiences—including children’s relationships with parents, caregivers, relatives, teachers, and peers—interact with genes to shape the architecture of the developing brain.
Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson speak to audiences all over the world about their immensely popular best-sellers, The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline.
An unapologetic exploration of the Black mental health crisis—and a comprehensive road map to getting the care you deserve in an unequal system. We can’t deny it any longer: there is a Black mental health crisis in our world today.