By Annie L. Scholl — 2020
Mirabai Starr, who lives in the mountains of Northern New Mexico, is an author and highly sought-after speaker on the teachings of the mystics and contemplative practice.
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Though I wince at the redundancy, funeral “pre-planning” is a phenomenon receiving increased attention, and a growing number of Web-based guides tell how to go about it. As puts it: “Funeral planning starts at home.
For three decades Charles Garfield has trained volunteers to care compassionately for strangers. He shares what he’s learned about the extraordinary deeds of ordinary people.
Is a “good death” just an oxymoron? Or can the experience of death be far more positive—an opportunity for growth and meaning?
Religion is so diverse and nuanced a subject that it’s nearly impossible to encapsulate all of the world’s major religions in just a few words. But we’re going to try anyway. This is an entry point for understanding the basics of the world’s major religions.
After my husband died, a silly catchphrase became a lifeline for me. Instead of wishing for a reality I couldn’t have, I embraced the circumstances I was dealt.
Death is a part of life, and so are the funerals and memorial services held to mark an individual’s passing. But when we’re called upon to speak at these occasions, many of us are at a loss for words.
Palliative care specialist BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger explain how to bring more meaning and less suffering to the end of life.
Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the psychiatrist whose pioneering work with terminally ill patients helped to revolutionize attitudes toward the care of the dying, died Tuesday at her home in Scottsdale, Ariz. She was 78.
Cacciatore says she’s seen nonbelievers embrace spirituality, and religious people wash their hands of God, in the aftermath of tragedy. But most often, she says, tragedy shakes your faith but doesn’t destroy it.
When people are pushed into advocacy or social work as a result of a traumatic loss, part of the benefit for those affected is in keeping busy, but it’s also a way to memorialize their loved ones, explained Joanne Cacciatore, an associate research professor at Arizona State University who studies...