By Hannah Dylan Pasternak — 2020
The entrepreneur and community leader on healing, boundaries, and tuning into yourself.
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The BIPOC Project aims to build authentic and lasting solidarity among Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), in order to undo Native invisibility, anti-Blackness, dismantle white supremacy and advance racial justice.
Barbara Ford Shabazz, PsyD, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is painfully familiar with the various mental health issues that many members of the Black community face.
“Even with these health consequences, we can see the benefits of taking a stand because people are fighting for what they believe in and protecting people’s lives,” Sumner said. “I don’t think the answer is to stop altogether. It speaks to how critical it is to engage in self-care.
I will start at the end. All lives will not (really) matter until Black lives Matter. All Lives Matter is like a giant eraser; a thing folx say to remain comfortable at best and neutral at worst while erasing the obvious (Black Lives Matter TOO).
Black women are 37 cents behind men in the pay gap—in other words, for every dollar a man makes, black women make 63 cents.
Muhammad Ali’s advocacy for racial justice began with his awareness and experience of racism and white supremacy in Louisville, Kentucky. His dedication to his boxing career was accompanied by his profound conviction that he had a greater purpose.
Stacie Marshall, who inherited a Georgia farm, is trying on a small scale to address a generations-old wrong that still bedevils the nation.
Psychologists have yet to find a way to diminish hidden prejudice, but they do have strategies for thwarting discrimination
Yes, we must radically transform policing in America. But we cannot stop there. We must transform the pervasive systems of economic and carceral injustice that are choking our common life.
“These are opportune times to transmute the energy of angst into actions that deepen our insight,” says Dr. Kamilah Majied. She invites us to rest in unrest, staying steady in impermanence.